What To Include in a Student Educational Plan

1. Documentation on the child’s present levels of performance. 
     (If you do not have these data, arrange for the child to be evaluated so you have a “baseline” to start from.)

2.  Statement of the long-term learning goals for the child.
    (Where do you want to see the child working after one full school year?)

3.  List of the short-term objectives to reach each long-term goal.
    (These break down each long-range goal into steps.)

4.  Statement of the place where the child will be getting educational help.

5.  Statement of the various services that will be provided for the child.
    (These might include speech, visual therapy, counseling)

6.  Statement of the starting dates for all components of the educational plan.

7.  Statement of how long the child will receive the various services.

8.  Statement of test schedule – how, when, where, and how often the child will be evaluated to learn whether the goals are being met.